Biohybrid Lung

The aim of the WG is the development of the implantable biohybrid lung as an equivalent bridging or alternative to lung transplantation. In addition to the development and integration of novel implantable oxygenator prototypes, blood pumps and intracorporeal cannulation strategies, the focus lies on the biologization of all surfaces in contact with blood. For the evaluation of the biological and technical system components, the group also develops various circulation simulations and in-vivo models.


PD Dr.
Bettina Wiegmann
Clinic for Cardiac, Thoracic, Transplantation and Vascular Surgery


1 Wiegmann B, Hess C, Haverich A, Fischer S. Development of a biohybrid lung - permanent "lung assist device" or even future alternative to lung transplantation? Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular surgery. State of the science, issue 5/2009.

2. Hess, C.; Wiegmann, B.; Maurer, A.N.; Fischer, P.; Möller, L.; Martin, U.; Hilfiker, A.; Haverich, A.; Fischer, S. Reduced Thrombocyte Adhesion to Endothelialized Poly 4-Methyl-1-Pentene Gas Exchange Membranes-A First Step Toward Bioartificial Lung Development. Tissue Eng Pt A 2010, 16, 3043-3053, doi:10.1089/ten.tea.2010.0131.

3. Möller, L.; Hess, C.; Paleček, J.; Su, Y.; Haverich, A.; Kirschning, A.; Draeger, G. Towards a Biocompatible Artificial Lung: Covalent Functionalization of Poly(4-Methylpent-1-Ene) (TPX) with CRGD Pentapeptide. Beilstein J Org Chem 2013, 9, 270-277, doi:10.3762/bjoc.9.33.

4. Wiegmann, B.; Maurer, A.; Zhang, R.; Zardo, P.; Haverich, A.; Fischer, S. Combined Pulmonary and Renal Support in a Single Extracorporeal Device. Asaio J 2013, 59, 433-438, doi:10.1097/mat.0b013e318292e887.

5. Hess C, Schwenke A, Wagener P, Franzka S, Laszlo Sajti C, Pflaum M, Wiegmann B, Haverich A, Barcikowski S. Dose-dependent surface endothelialization and biocompatibility of polyurethane noble metal nanocomposites. J Biomed Mater Res A. 2014 Jun;102(6):1909-20. doi: 10.1002/jbm.a.34860. epub 2013 Jul 30.

6 Wiegmann B, Figueiredo C, Gras C, Pflaum M, Schmeckebier S, Korossis S, Haverich A, Blasczyk R. Prevention of rejection of allogeneic endothelial cells in a biohybrid lung by silencing HLA-class I expression. Biomaterials. 2014 Sep;35(28):8123-33. doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2014.06.007. Epub 2014 Jun 21.

7. Wiegmann, B.; Seggern, H. von; Höffler, K.; Korossis, S.; Dipresa, D.; Pflaum, M.; Schmeckebier, S.; Seume, J.; Haverich, A. Developing a Biohybrid Lung-Sufficient Endothelialization of Poly-4-Methly-1-Pentene Gas Exchange Hollow-Fiber Membranes. J Mech Behav Biomed 2016, 60, 301-311, doi:10.1016/j.jmbbm.2016.01.032.

8. Lau S, Eicke D, Carvalho Oliveira M, Wiegmann B, Schrimpf C, Haverich A, Blasczyk R, Wilhelmi M, Figueiredo C, Böer U. Low immunogenic endothelial cells maintain morphofunctional properties needed for tissue engineering. Tissue Eng Part A. 2017 Oct 5. doi: 10.1089/ten.TEA.2016.0541.

9. Pflaum, M.; Kühn-Kauffeldt, M.; Schmeckebier, S.; Dipresa, D.; Chauhan, K.; Wiegmann, B.; Haug, R.J.; Schein, J.; Haverich, A.; Korossis, S. Endothelialization and Characterization of Titanium Dioxide-Coated Gas-Exchange Membranes for Application in the Bioartificial Lung. Acta Biomater 2017, 50, 510-521, doi:10.1016/j.actbio.2016.12.017.

10. Zwirner, U.; Höffler, K.; Pflaum, M.; Korossis, S.; Haverich, A.; Wiegmann, B. Identifying an Optimal Seeding Protocol and Endothelial Cell Substrate for Biohybrid Lung Development. J Tissue Eng Regen M 2018, 12, 2319-2330, doi:10.1002/term.2764.

11. Schumer, E.; Höffler, K.; Kuehn, C.; Slaughter, M.; Haverich, A.; Wiegmann, B. In-Vitro Evaluation of Limitations and Possibilities for the Future Use of Intracorporeal Gas Exchangers Placed in the Upper Lobe Position. J Artif Organs 2018, 21, 68-75, doi:10.1007/s10047-017-0987-0.

12. Figueiredo, C.; Eicke, D.; Yuzefovych, Y.; Avsar, M.; Hanke, J.S.; Pflaum, M.; Schmitto, J.-D.; Blasczyk, R.; Haverich, A.; Wiegmann, B. Low Immunogenic Endothelial Cells Endothelialize the Left Ventricular Assist Device. Scientific reports 2019, 9, 11318-13.

13. Pflaum, M.; Merhej, H.; Peredo, A.; De, A.; Dipresa, D.; Wiegmann, B.; Wolkers, W.; Haverich, A.; Korossis, S. Hypothermic Preservation of Endothelialized Gas-exchange Membranes. Artif Organs 2020, 44, e552-e565, doi:10.1111/aor.13776.

14. Dipresa, D.; Kalozoumis, P.; Pflaum, M.; Peredo, A.; Wiegmann, B.; Haverich, A.; Korossis, S. Hemodynamic Assessment of Hollow-Fiber Membrane Oxygenators Using Computational Fluid Dynamics in Heterogeneous Membrane Models. J Biomechanical Eng 2021, 143, 1-14, doi:10.1115/1.4049808.

15. Pflaum, M.; Jurmann, S.; Katsirntaki, K.; Mälzer, M.; Haverich, A.; Wiegmann, B. Towards Biohybrid Lung Development-Fibronectin-Coating Bestows Hemocompatibility of Gas Exchange Hollow Fiber Membranes by Improving Flow-Resistant Endothelialization. Membr 2021, 12, 35, doi:10.3390/membranes12010035.

16. Pflaum, M.; Dahlmann, J.; Engels, L.; Naghilouy-Hidaji, H.; Adam, D.; Zöllner, J.; Otto, A.; Schmeckebier, S.; Martin, U.; Haverich, A.; et al. Towards Biohybrid Lung: Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Derived Endothelial Cells as Clinically Relevant Cell Source for Biologization. Micromachines 2021, 981, doi: mi12080981.

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artificial lung, artificial lung, biohybrid lung, lung support, endothelial cells, endothelialization, anti-thrombogenic surface, hemocompatibility, membrane oxygenation, ECMO, blood gas exchange, intracorporeal, implantable

PD Dr. Bettina Wiegmann

+49 511 532 1408

